Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This image was for a contest at the convention to celebrate the 80th year for the Vermont Professional Photographers.

Another group of prints that I entered, in all I entered six prints and received four blue ribbons and two reds. I was also honored with the award of most promising newcomer, which was a nice honor. Although I am not new to photography, I am a recent member to the Vermont Professional Photographers.

These are three images that I entered into the Print Competition at the annual convention of the Vermont Professional Photographers held this past weekend at the Equinox Hotel in Manchester. I am a board member, so some of my time was spent with set-up and take down. I enjoyed getting to know my fellow photographers and talking shop.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another day at NEIPP was spent working with a family with three little children and only window light, these were three photos that I liked.

Again this year, I attended the NEIPP school on Cape Cod, it was a great week of learning new techniques and networking with other photographers. These three photographs are of models used for practicing in class.